2017 KI Community Fund Update
Back on January 3rd we introduced not only Kilgore, but also the 2017 KI Community Fund. This fund would be filled with 50% of Kilgore proceeds, and as of today, we have an update for you!
We’re happy to say that we have surpassed the $50,000 mark for the 2017 KI Community Fund. That’s $50,000 set to go towards both online and offline events next year. We’re currently in the process of winding down the current tournament season, with $30,000 on the line at the KI World Cup March 10th-12th (have you got your tickets yet?). This fund will not affect this year’s World Cup Pot, but will rather help fund future events. More details on those events soon.
With that said, we’ve got some more news for you. Kilgore & the 2017 KI Community Fund will be available until March 6th. On that date, we will turn off the ability to purchase Kilgore and the ability to support the Comunity Fund will be closed. Kilgore will be back for individual purchase later this year priced at $5, but if you want to get your hands on him sooner rather than later, now is the time. If you have already purchased Kilgore and helped support the 2017 KI Community Fund, THANK YOU! We hope you enjoy your time with Kilgore, and the continued presence of Killer Instinct at major tournaments throughout the year!
We aim to have a final tally of proceeds raised for the Community Fund at this year’s KI World Cup, so keep an eye out. Until then…
Discuss: https://forums.www.ultra-combo.com/t/2017-ki-community-fund-update/18669