CEO 2018
Last week we announced our intentions for Combo Breaker 2018.
Today, we’re announcing the second of tournaments that we’ll be supporting – CEO 2018.
Kilgore Community Fund Pot Bonus at CEO 2018
CEO Gaming is proud to announce that the KI Ultra Tour will be providing a $15,000 pot bonus from the Kilgore Community Fund for our 2018 Killer Instinct tournament! The KI Community has always been supportive of CEO showcasing some of the best players and we’re excited to give its passionate players another opportunity to showcase their skills. The Top 16 finalists at CEO 2018 will receive a payout from this pot bonus, so placing in the Top 16 has never been more rewarding than it is in 2018!
Killer Instinct at CEO 2018 will begin Saturday morning at 10 am with their Top 8 Finals taking place in our infamous wrestling ring in the new CEO Arena on Saturday night.
Register today: https://smash.gg/tournament/ceo-2018-fighting-game-championships/details
Check out CEO’s blog for additional info: http://ceogaming.org/news/kipotbonusatceo2018
And if you’re planning on attending, let us know! https://forums.www.ultra-combo.com/t/combo-breaker-2018/24054