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Double XP This Weekend!

UltraTech Timestamp:


I’ve been sitting near this computer for an hour trying to think of a funny poem for Valentine’s Day, but all that my sub-sophomoric mind can manage are puns about Cinder’s burn and references to Rash. That won’t do. So how about we celebrate this long weekend (with Monday being a holiday here in the US) with Double XP across all game modes, and we will leave the poem writing to the card companies? Sound good?

Starting TODAY…you read that right… you can earn double the base XP across all game modes. Break out those pocket characters and start the grind. Level 50 is right around the corner!

Double XP is live RIGHT NOW and will run until 11:59 pm PST on Monday, February 15th. Get out there and hit that top level while the getting is good.

Oh, and if you haven’t heard, XP Boosters, which are also available now, can be used at the same time as Double XP. So if you’ve ever been waiting for the time to get crazy, it is now!

