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CEO 2024

The KI Ultra Tour made its second stop this year at CEO 2024. It was an incredible event that brought competitive players to the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida…. Read More

PCK Wrap Up

Now that the dust has had time to settle post tournaments, we’d like to take some time and reflect back on PCK’s Online Tournaments. After undertaking the running of the… Read More

#PCK Season 3 Finale is Sponsored by the KI Ultra Tour

From PharrohYami:   We are happy to announced that #PCK Season 3 finale is sponsored by the KI Ultra Tour and will have a TWO THOUSAND dollar (yes, that’s $2,000!)… Read More

CEO 2018

Last week we announced our intentions for Combo Breaker 2018.   Today, we’re announcing the second of tournaments that we’ll be supporting – CEO 2018.   Kilgore Community Fund Pot… Read More


We know y’all have been patiently (or not so patiently in some cases) waiting for news from the Kilgore fund and it’s finally time for announcements. This is the first of… Read More

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!   You’ll all be happy to know there are no tricks hiding up our sleeves this weekend, only treats! It’s been a while since we’ve done a Double… Read More